Colourific.Vision is a functional planning system based on various productivity methods and colour psychology. Its purpose is to help neurodivergent brains put themselves in the right mood for progress.

Many neurodivergent people struggle with executive dysfunction. We have trouble managing our thoughts, emotions and actions. This system aims to help identify, deconstruct and plan your next step visually. See how it works here.

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For a quick, low-energy fill-in session, choose from the Core collection, where everything is set up, labelled and dated.

If you would like to label the layouts and happen to have a few extra spoons, go for the Blanks.

Otherwise, pick a Grid and do your own thing from scratch. Everything goes!

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These planner inserts offer a simple starting point. They remove the burden of creating something from scratch while minimising the chore of filling it all in. Only the most important information is included, and it is all customisable. Trying to take the anxiety out of planning this way makes this solution forgiving to neurodivergent brains. Find out how it was created.

This planning system, as well as this website, is ever-evolving and keeps changing due to new findings, ideas and feedback. So, please, feel free to get in touch in case you have any questions, wishes, criticism or anything else you think might help improve it. Thank you!